Tuesday, January 31, 2017

2 Ingredient Valentine’s Day Treat: Mini Cherry Pies

It’s hard to believe that something as cute as mini-cherries pies can be made with two ingredients.

These are actually one of the easiest recipes I’ve made lately and the presentation is to-die-for cute. I’d whip these up for the kids’ classes at school or just as a special treat on Valentine’s Day.

Just head to the market and pick up a 24 pack of pre-made sugar cookies and some cherry pie filling.  I have a mini-muffin tin, but if you don’t you can use a regular muffin tin. Your crust will just be a little thinner.

I also topped mine with mini-hearts just to be festive. But, if you don’t have heart cookie cutters, you can serve them open face or maybe make a little lattice top with the left-over dough.

You could even drizzle it with frosting if you want to get fancy.


Valentine Cherry Pies

makes 12


24 pre-made sugar cookies

1 16 ounce can of cherry pie filling




Coat your muffin tin with cooking spray.  Also, spray the bottom of a glass.  Take a cookie round and gently flatten it with the bottom of a glass. Transfer to the muffin tin and press into the opening.

Take the other 12 cookies and use the same method to flatten the dough and then cut a heart shape.  Lay these on a flat baking sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes in a 350 degree oven.  The dough that’s in the muffin tin will puff up.  Used the end of a pestle to push it down.

Fill each tin with a tablespoon of cherry pie filling and top with a cookie heart.

Note: Make sure that the dough is chilled.  If it’s not, your hearts will spread too much and no longer look like hearts.


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More Valentine Goodies from MPMK

3 Healthy Strawberry Snacks for Valentine’s Day

2 Ingredient Chocolate Pomegranate Bon-Bons

The post 2 Ingredient Valentine’s Day Treat: Mini Cherry Pies appeared first on Modern Parents Messy Kids.

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