Wednesday, December 26, 2018

How to Finally Organize Your ENTIRE Life


Raise your hand if you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed and like you will never, ever catch up with your to-do list.

We wear so many different hats as parents… and keeping all the balls we’re juggling in the air is no small task!

But here’s the good news- it’s not impossible.

All you need is a solid plan and a few amazing tools to help you stop spending your precious time spinning your wheels and start spending more quality time with the ones you love.

Let me say that again. You CAN do it. It’s not impossible. All you need is the right system.

When I launched our handbook to leading a more simplified life, Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: The Quick Start Guide. It was a huge success because it finally gave so many busy parents the system they needed.

Since then, I’ve since sold well over 10,000 copies of the ebook and helped tens of thousands of busy parents in the process. As great as that is, I know there are SO MANY parents that I’ve missed because- let’s face it- it’s hard to find time to sit down and read a book!

So here’s the great news- you don’t have to…


The 2019 Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life Printables Kit

Only $9.99


Inside our 38 page printables kit, you’ll find everything you need to manage every aspect of your day-to-day life from cleaning and meal-planning, to scheduling and that never ending to-do list.

There’s something for everyone here including two different cleaning systems (are you more of a checklist person or a calendar cleaner?)

So whether you’re looking to create a home management binder or just want a meal plan/to-do list/cleaning chart to stick on the fridge – we’ve got you covered!

There are tons of options in this 38 page printable kit – use them all or pick and choose exactly what you need. Fill it all in and completely customize it or use the suggested schedules.

There’s even a suggested daily cleaning checklist, weekly cleaning schedule, and master cleaning list included.

Here’s a look at everything you’ll get:



A Daily Checklist

A simple one page form that breaks your day up into easily manageable chunks.  There are check-off boxes (for that sense of satisfaction when you complete a task) as well as designated areas for the day’s menu ideas and appointments.



This one is a great candidate for laminating and using over and over with a fine-tip dry erase marker.



Only $9.99


Your Week at a Glance

Conveniently spread across two vertical pages, this gives you a spot to record all of your appointments for the week along with any special reminders you need to leave for yourself in the “notes” section.




There are also spots for your dinner plans and cleaning objectives for each day.  It’s everything you want to accomplish in your week all in one spot.


Weekly Meal Plan Worksheet

Designed to help you quickly and efficiently get your weekly meal planning done.  Includes sections for all 7 days of the week as well as areas for breakfast, lunch, and snack ideas so nothing gets overlooked.  Keep it in your planner or stick it on the fridge for a visual reminder each morning of what needs to be prepped for that night’s dinner.



Two Types of Weekly Cleaning Worksheets

In the Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life eBook, we cover two different types of cleaning systems for two different types of people: the cleaning schedule vs. the cleaning checklist.  In this printable kit, we’ve provided both so you can try each out and see which suits you best.


Weekly Cleaning Schedule Template

Much like the Weekly Meal Planning Worksheet, the cleaning schedule visually lays out everything you need to accomplish for the week to keep your house looking good.  Assign one major task or room of your house to each day of the week and complete with your daily and infrequent tasks (drawn from the master cleaning checklist).



Weekly Cleaning Checklist Template

While still including sections for daily and infrequent tasks, this option breaks down all of the cleaning tasks for the week into those that will take 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 – 60 minutes, or 1 hour or more.  The idea being that whenever you find yourself with a little time to clean, you can quickly check the list for what hasn’t been done yet that week and get to work.


*Printing Note: Since you won’t need both the “Weekly Cleaning” worksheet and the “Weekly Cleaning Checklist” – the intention is to choose one or the other and this must be done for double-sided printing to turn out correctly. When printing, in the pages box, either enter “1 – 6, 8 – 38” OR “1 – 5, 7 – 38”.

Filled-In Weekly Cleaning Schedule & Checklist

Along with the blank worksheets, you’ll also get versions of both the Weekly Cleaning Schedule and Checklist filled-in with suggested chores for each section.

Awesome 2014 printable kit for your home management binder, personal planner, or sheets just to stick on the fridge. Includes menu planning, calendars, cleaning checklists and more!


Only $9.99


12 Months of Pre-Dated Calendar Pages

Along with squaring away your everyday and your week, it’s always helpful to get a look at your month as well so we’ve included pre-dated calendars for all of 2019.

Like the weekly calendar, these are spread out over two vertical pages (no turning to view required).



Master Cleaning List

Finally, to be kept as a reference in the back of your planner, we’ve included a Master Cleaning List with columns to categorize chores into “daily”, “weekly”, “bi-weekly”, “monthly”, “quarterly” and “semi-annual” tasks.


Filled-In Master Cleaning List

Just like with the Weekly Cleaning Schedule and the Weekly Cleaning Checklist, you’ll also receive a suggested list of chores for each of the categories mentioned above along with the blank template.



New this Year! Consequences Sheets for Kids

One thing I’ve found SUPER helpful as a parent is to have regular family meetings with our kids. We cover a lot of ground in these meetings and have found it a great time to address specific behaviors we’ve been noticing that need to change.

This new consequences sheet is the perfect place to record the behaviors and the consequences for those behaviors that you’ve all decided on as a family!


Remember, you can print the pages to be used individually.  Or you can choose the duplex/double-sided printing option on your printer (or at a local printing store) and pop everything into a binder or small personal planner – see note below on double-sided printing.


The 2019 Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life Printables Kit


Only $9.99


*Printing Note: Since you won’t need both the “Weekly Cleaning” worksheet and the “Weekly Cleaning Checklist” – the intention is to choose one or the other and this must be done for double-sided printing to turn out correctly.

When printing, in the pages box, either enter “1 – 6, 8 – 38” OR “1 – 5, 7 – 38”.


Happy planning and here’s to a great year!

The post How to Finally Organize Your ENTIRE Life appeared first on Modern Parents Messy Kids.

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