Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Join Me for a FREE 5-Day Healthy Breakfast Bootcamp!

Happy December 26th guys! I’m up late because I have something important I want to share!

The holidays are officially over, that means it’s time to start taking a hard look at those resolutions for 2019– and I’ve got a great one to start with…

I know starting the day with a wholesome breakfast will take my mom game to the next level. I’m ALWAYS a kinder, more patient mom when I take 5 minutes to start my day eating right. And it’s no wonder- healthy breakfasts boost metabolism and brain function, and balance blood sugar (bye bye mood swings!). Plus, it sets a fantastic example for our kids who will learn and focus better at school if they start the day with a healthy breakfast of their own.


All of that should be enough motivation to start off my days by eating right… but I still find it so hard!

Let’s face it, mornings- especially mornings with kids- are not for the faint of heart. They’re chaotic, rushed… stressful. It’s hard enough to make sure everyone is clothed, organized, and just generally fed, let alone fed with something healthy and energizing.


So what’s a mom to do? Glad you asked. I just found a fantastic tool that’s finally getting me on-track.

My friends at Ultimate Bundles have created something all new, and FREE, to help just in time for the new year. It’s called the…


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5-Day Bootcamp to Better Breakfasts: Conquer Morning Stress and Eat Cleaner in 20 Minutes a Day.


Since I’m a long-term Ultimate Bundles affiliate, I was able to get top-secret early access to the FREE bootcamp.


As I write this, I’m a couple days out from having completed the bootcamp and, let me tell you, it’s already making a huge difference.


Granted, we’re still on holiday break so my new system hasn’t passed the crazy morning test quite yet. Nevertheless, I have so much more patience throughout my day with the kids!

AND, bonus, they’re melting down and fighting less because they’re also getting what they need to maximally fuel their little brains and bodies.


And here’s the great news- Better Breakfasts: Conquer Morning Stress and Eat Cleaner is available to you, completely free, for the next 4 days only.


You’ll learn smart, time-saving and health-promoting strategies such as:
  • How to plan healthier breakfasts in advance so that it’s easier to follow through.
  • How to easily incorporate veggies into your breakfasts – This one has been A TOTAL GAME CHANGER FOR ME!
  • How to save time and set yourself up for success by creating clean-eating, whole-food convenience breakfasts (yes, really!) that you and your kids can grab on your way out the door.
The 5-day bootcamp starts on December 29th and will run until January 2nd.
You’ll receive each day’s tips and task in your inbox bright and early every morning, so you can work it into your schedule at the best time for you.
Just implement each of the 5 daily challenges and by the end of the bootcamp you’ll be on track to starting each day much healthier, but without the stress.
Get FREE access to the Better Breakfasts Bootcamp right here.


I really hope this tool will help you start off 2019 on the right foot! As always, thanks for your time and support,



P.S. I want you to take advantage of this tool so much, that I’ll even sweeten the pot. Here’s the deal…

Sing up for the free 5-day Bootcamp, send me a screenshot of your confirmation email at and I’ll send you a super secret energy building freebie of my own!


The post Join Me for a FREE 5-Day Healthy Breakfast Bootcamp! appeared first on Modern Parents Messy Kids.

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