Tuesday, January 8, 2019

DIY Personalized Alphabet Book

It’s so hard to believe I first shared the personalized alphabet book I made for my son 7 years ago. 
It’s been an extremely popular post ever since so I thought it was time to bring it out of the vault. And with all the options out there for creating photo books now, it couldn’t be easier to do!
But it can still be surprisingly hard to think of something that’s salient to your child for each letter – I’m hoping sharing my picks might help.
Please enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.  Also, you’ll notice there’s not a page for the letter U.  In the book it’s a close up shot of C wearing underwear for the first time. He’s only got one sock on and it’s super cute.  You’ll have to take my word for it though as I’ve decided not to post any photos of my offspring’s bums here on the internet.

Click through for the rest…

C helped build this with his grandpa and daddy last summer.

The post DIY Personalized Alphabet Book appeared first on Modern Parents Messy Kids.

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