Wednesday, January 2, 2019

You’ve Never Seen a Healthy Meal Planning System Like This…

Did you see my facebook post a few days ago laying out my 3-pronged plan for 2019? If you missed it, here it is:

  1. Find more time to connect with my kids
  2. Eat better to feel better and have more energy
  3. Waste less money

I know these are resolutions you can relate to.

Whenever anyone signs up for this newsletter/email/mom therapy(?!), I ask them to answer this question for me:

“What’s your biggest frustration in your average day as a parent?”

Here are just a few responses I’ve received…

My biggest frustration is that I have all of these great ideas and intentions but by the end of the day I am exhausted and feeling like I am getting nowhere.



My biggest frustration is feeling distracted and not giving my son my focused attention in the limited time we have together (we have about an hour each night – I am a working & commuting mom and he is under 3 so he goes to bed early!)…

I have to make (or re-heat) a meal at night and I just got home so I want to give him my attention rather than focusing on meal prep!


I get it. This parenting gig is TOUGH. It seems like we just never have enough time or energy to be the parents we want to be and it leaves us feeling tired, guilty, and wanting to do better.

One thing I’ve especially noticed?

Mealtime is, by far, one of the biggest pain points for busy families- especially when you add in trying to make those meals healthy.

I get a lot of emails like this one…

Hi Stephanie,

It’s a good thing I found your page while looking for some ideas to help me have some more time for household chores and more me-time.

I usually find myself frustrated before dinner time. After leaving work at 4.30 pm, I rush to pick my son at the kindy. My husband often comes home late, my two-year old son wants me to play with him after a day’s separation, thus I cannot plan and prepare dinner as fast as I want.

Please help!


How would your life change if you were able to set and forget all of your meals for the rest of the year? If you could spend a little more time with your family at the end of the long day? If you felt less overwhelmed and had more energy from eating healthfully instead of settling for processed foods or takeout?

If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that I’ve made it my mission to try to provide my followers with the best tools out there for making this parenting job easier and more enjoyable.

Sometimes that’s a helpful blog post full of tips, often it’s a free printable like the one I just sent out for New Years, today it’s the best healthy meal planning tool I’ve ever seen- bar none.

And here’s the best part- it’s not a subscription! 

You pay for it once, get two amazing bonuses that I’m about to tell you all about, and –boom! – you can literally have your meal planning done for THE ENTIRE YEAR.

That means, this is one purchase that truly will pay for itself, and then some. 


Healthy Meal Planning Bundle 2019

A value of $1,038, available for only $37 for 6 Days Only!

It’s called The Ultimate Healthy Meal Planning Bundle

Oh, and did I mention that it’s also kind of my baby?

Yep, I’m one of the bloggers who helped make it and I could not be more proud!

Here’s how it works…

A Huge Collection of 4-Week Meal Plans

First and foremost, you get over 30 unique made-for-you meals plans complete with grocery lists, prep reminders, and access to complete nutritional info. for each recipe.

Almost all of which are 4 weeks long… which comes out to way more than a full year of different meal plans!

Instant Access to Over 1,000 Healthy Recipes

These meal plans are put together using 1,072 recipes by the best food bloggers around, all of which you have instant access to!

That means no signing up for a subscription and hoping that the menu they send you each week will work for your family.

With the Healthy Meal Planning Bundle, it’s like signing up for a weekly meal planning service and getting access to all of their recipes at once, to pick and choose as you like. We’re talking a super easy-to-use index and complete nutritional information for every single recipe, to help you sort by food allergy, eating style, quick meals, cooking method, and or whatever else you need.

A Complete Home Cook Library

Prefer cookbooks to give you inspiration and easily categorize the recipes for you? All 1,000+ also all been organized into a carefully-curated library of 12 beautifully formatted cookbooks.


A Free 30 Membership to RealPlans

Want even more ways to easily customize beyond the 30+ meal plans? You can also go digital with the free 30 Day Membership to RealPlans that comes with the bundle.

RealPlans is a meal planning app that comes pre-loaded with all 1,072 recipes and 30+ meal plans so you can effortless create completely customized meal plans and shopping lists or use those already uploaded from the bundle!








Also Includes Bonus Healthy Eating Courses & E-Courses

Last but no least, healthy eating resources on clean eating, a Whole 30 meal plan, strategies for helping kids with pick eating, allergies or oral SPD, and more!



Healthy Meal Planning Bundle 2019

A value of $1,038, available for only $37 for 6 Days Only!

So you’re probably wondering about that price.

You read it right, this collection is valued at over $1,000 but you can grab it for the next 6 days only for just $37.


Get your bundle now!


Again, if you’ve been with me a while, than you’re familiar with the folks over at Ultimate Bundles (who I’ve been working with for years and trust implicitly). They’re able to put together their awesome bundles because food bloggers know they’re known for their amazing customer service and product delivery.

Each year hundreds of them agree to bundle their most popular products at insanely reduced prices (96% off!) for a few days only.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll save more than the price of the bundle on the take out you don’t buy in your first month of meal planning!

And did I mention there’s zero risk? 

That’s because Ultimate Bundles offerings always come with an iron-clad 30 day happiness guarantee. If start perusing the 1,000+ recipes and 30+ meal plans and find they’re not for you. All you have to do is email customer service at Ultimate Bundles within 30 days and you’ll get a 100% refund. 

I’ve worked with these guys for years, and I can tell you that they will absolutely stand behind this.


Last thing, those two big bonuses I promised…

Bonus #1 – 30 Meals in 30 Days Challenge

I love a good challenge to jumpstart meeting my goals, I’ll take as much accountability as I can get.

So this is important: TODAY & TOMORROW ONLY, when you buy The 2019 Ultimate Healthy Meal Planning Bundle, you’ll also get exclusive access to a 30 day program built to make sure you actually use all this good stuff!!

In short, it’ll be a really fun way to get the year started right by building the meal planning habit, with lots of built in accountability, and they’ll even be incorporating tasks like prepping, making freezer meals, batching, etc.

Get your bundle now!

What would your life look like come February with the habit of quick and healthy meal planning firmly in place? Would you have a little more time? A little more energy? A little more money?


Bonus #2 – My  2019 Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life Kit

I know there are more areas than just meal planning that make you feel overwhelmed, and I want to help!

Inside our 38-page printables pack ($9.99 retail value) you’ll find everything you need to manage every aspect of your day-to-day life from cleaning and meal-planning, to scheduling and that never ending to-do list.

There’s something for everyone here including two different cleaning systems (are you more of a checklist person or a calendar cleaner?)

So whether you’re looking to create a home management binder or just want a meal plan/to-do list/cleaning chart to stick on the fridge – we’ve got you covered!

To get your free 2019 Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life Kit, all you have to do is purchase the bundle through any of my affiliate links above and forward me your email receipt at

The post You’ve Never Seen a Healthy Meal Planning System Like This… appeared first on Modern Parents Messy Kids.

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